Courtney Mizel

went to the Oncologist for my annual visit in May.
informed me that since 15 years has passed since my diagnosis, I no longer
needed to come for my annual visit!
years since I underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and
reconstructive surgeries. And this year I celebrated with an autologous
tissue reconstruction and got rid of the implants which were
an annoying reminder of my cancer battle.
am lucky and blessed and grateful to be on the other side. I am also
keenly aware that other people diagnosed with cancer are facing life
altering battles, and feel it's my ongoing personal responsibility to do what I
can to help.
includes rappelling off of a bridge at Denver's MacArthur square for Cancer
League of Colorado!
League of Colorado is an extraordinary organization in that it is completely
volunteer run, meaning that every dollar raised goes directly to assist people
affected by cancer and to critical research.
hope you will join me in the event - either by joining my team and going Over
the Edge (don't worry, they will let you use a helmet) or by donating to
support my insanity.
that every dollar goes DIRECTLY to Service Grants for patients and Research -
the incredible dedicated volunteers as Cancer League make that happen, and now
you can too!
Please help by donating or joining the event!