Fundraising Tips
In order to participate in the event, you must raise a minimum of
$1,000 in pledges to Cancer League. Please have your pledges raised and
paid to Cancer League by September 7th, 2023. If you need any
assistance with your fundraising or have any questions, please let us
know. Any cash donations can be made on the day of the event.
Here are a few suggestions to help you raise the money:
Ask your friends and family to support or sponsor your efforts.
Ask your employer or other companies to sponsor you by pledging or matching each donation.
Send emails to everyone in your address book with the link to your personal Over the Edge website.
Post a link on your Facebook page. Spread the word via Twitter or LinkedIn.
Consider going “Over the Edge” in honor or memory of someone, and let everyone know that.
Hold little events such as bake sales or craft sales. Set up a table at Walmart/Target/grocery stores with big signs that display the donations are for the fight against cancer.
We can email you flyers for this event as well to place at local schools or businesses. Just send us your requests.
Be sure to let everyone know
that 100% of the money they are donating goes directly to cancer research and
patient services. Cancer League of Colorado is an all-volunteer, non-profit
organization. All of our expenses – including those to produce this event in a
fun and safe manner – come from membership dues, not our participants’ pledges.
Please remember that the minimum amount participants must raise
is $1,000, and we ask that you not stop your fundraising efforts at that point.
Over the Edge is one of the most exciting fundraisers in our organization’s
history, and it will make a huge difference in the amount of funds we can grant
to research institutions and cancer patient services in the state. Last year,
some of our participants raised more than $50,000 individually. We expect to
shatter last year’s fundraising records, and we can only do that with your
commitment to raise as much money as you possibly can.
That said, we are extremely grateful for every dollar raised, as
it all goes to support the critical research programs that are helping to
discover new treatments – and hopefully, one day, a cure – for cancer.